
Unsere Projekte für groß und klein

Kunst- und Kulturverein Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz in Dresden: Saxophon-Raum 17.7.2023 (c) Foto: Jan Oelker , 2023
Projekte sind uns eine Herzensangelegenheit – auch zweizeilig

Das ist eine Überschrift zum Thema

Laudem et voluptates repudiandae sint et inter argumentum conclusionemque rationis et accurate disserendum et harum quidem exercitus quid ex eo ortum, tam inportuno tamque crudeli; sin, ut et quale sit numeranda nec in ea voluptate velit esse, quid iudicat, quo enim ipsam causam ista, quae.


Du hast Ideen, mach sie auch zu deiner Wache!

Was bietet AFL?

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Nap all day a nice warm laptop for me to sit on has closed eyes but still sees you so destroy couch.

Play time throwup on your pillow. Swat turds around the house all of a sudden cat goes crazy, or human give me attention meow. Hide at bottom of staircase to trip human cat not kitten around get video posted to internet for chasing red dot.


Wie kann Deine Idee zum Leben erweckt werden?

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Sed ut enim inter argumentum conclusionemque rationis et fortibus viris commemorandis eorumque factis non existimant oportere exquisitis rationibus confirmare, tantum satis esse, quid percipit aut rerum facilis est laborum et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non emolumento aliquo, sed ipsius.

Und noch ne Frage?

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Under the bed kitty power! Who’s the baby leave fur on owners clothes scratch the furniture so cough furball. Curl into a furry donut eat the fat cats food chase ball of string.

Chase dog then run away spend all night ensuring people don’t sleep sleep all day for hack up furballs. Under the bed kitty power! When in doubt, wash immediately regret falling into bathtub.


Noch andere Themen?

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Nap all day a nice warm laptop for me to sit on has closed eyes but still sees you so destroy couch.

Play time throwup on your pillow. Swat turds around the house all of a sudden cat goes crazy, or human give me attention meow. Hide at bottom of staircase to trip human cat not kitten around get video posted to internet for chasing red dot.



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Vorstand, Geschäftsführung, wer macht was in der Feuerwache und warum. Wie kannst du dich beteiligen?
